
All scores, parts and some recordings
can be purchased from Visible Music, via PayPal or cheques. 

SCORES by Jean Hasse available from Amazon.co.uk (as well as Visible Music):
- By the way... (two trumpets, horn, trombone) 
- Five Poems from the Japanese (mezzo-soprano, clarinet, piano) 
- Pocket Pieces for piano (3 books sold separately - for the complete set please contact VM)
- Pulling (flutes)
- Reflecting Dreams (50 brass. For the revised version, please contact VM)
- Silk Water (piano left hand)
- What do I want for Christmas? (treble choir and piano) 

DVD: The DVD Becoming Emily is also available for sale on Amazon.co.uk.

CDs with Jean Hasse’s music:
- The Contemporary Piano, Vol.1
(w/kinkh) Prima Facie PFCD233
- kinkh, Music by Jean Hasse
- Visible Music CD
- A White Room, The Schubert Ensemble (w/Next Dance) - NMC Records
- Joyous Lake, Music by and for Geoffrey Poole (w/Upon Opening the Door) - Prima Facie Records
- Sweet Silver Song, The Bromley Boy Singers (w/What do i want for Christmas?) - Bromley Boy Singers
- Piano Pictures, Christa Terra, piano (w/three Pocket Pieces) - CD Baby

David Matthews: For VM scores, please contact Visible Music. For other scores and CDs, please see David’s personal website.



Please contact us for more information!


VISIBLE MUSIC connections

Becoming Emily DVD
- for sale on Amazon

William Goodchild Music - Film and documentary composer and conductor of many ensembles.
link to Facebook page

Get the Blessing - Our favourite Bristol jazz quartet. link to website

Prima Facie Records - Overseen by Stephen Plews. Producing CDs with love and enthusiasm. link to website

Vera Boele-Keimer - Bristol-based German artist who designed the covers for Jean’s piano books, Pocket Pieces.

Performing Rights Society - Visible Music composers are composer members of the PRS.

Broadcast Music Inc. - Jean and Visible Music are composer/publisher members of BMI for the US and Canada.