Jean Hasse
PIANO music
Jean Hasse
PIANO / SOLO INSTRUMENTS / ENSEMBLES - for notes, reviews and info click here
Four Bits for Piano (1986-87) (11:00)
I.Purple Blues II.You're Like a Sunny Day (w/voice) III.Moment X IV.The Fantastic Vacation
Premiere: 6 November 1987, Old Cambridge Baptist Church, Cambridge MA
Jean Hasse, piano, Herschel Garfein, voice
CD: kinkh, Music by Jean Hasse / VM CD101 (1999)
more info and CD reviews
Kangaroos 2 (Kanga+Roo) for two pianos (2014) (1:30)
Premiere: 7 September 2014, St George's Concert Hall, Bristol (Steven Kings and Paul Israel, pianos)
kinkh (1985) (3:45)
Premiere: 13 December 1985, Real Art Ways, Hartford CT / Jean Hasse
CD: kinkh, Music by Jean Hasse / VM CD101 (1999)
more info and CD reviews listen on SoundCloud
Pocket Pieces (1998-2005) (ca.60:00) 61 piano pieces in three volumes
Premiere of 16 pieces: 29 October 1998, MacDowell Colony, Peterborough NH / Jean Hasse
CD: kinkh, Music by Jean Hasse / VM CD101 (1999) more info and reviews
Silk Water (1992) (6:15) for piano left hand /composed for Leon Fleisher
Premiere: 12 October 1992, New England Conservatory, Boston MA / Leon Fleisher
CD: kinkh, Music by Jean Hasse / VM CD101 (1999) listen on SoundCloud
Sixths (1999) (4:00)
Premiere: 4 August 1999, Astor Theatre, Deal, Kent, England / Stephen Gutman
Tremolo Piece (1985) (ca. 5:30)
piano and digital delay system or two pianos or any number of pianos
Premiere: 13 December 1985, Real Art Ways, Hartford CT / Jean Hasse
CD: kinkh, Music by Jean Hasse / VM CD101 (1999)
more info and CD reviews
Upon opening the door... (2010) (1:15) / composed to honor Geoffrey Poole
Premiere: 23 June 2010, Victoria Rooms, University of Bristol / Jean Hasse
CD: Joyous Lake, Music for and by Geoffrey Poole / Prima Facie PFCD012, (2012)
Jean and Leon Fleisher, Carnegie Hall, rehearsing Silk Water
Peter Sheppard Skaerved playing at the British Museum
Almatt Heights (2002/16) (1:30) alto saxophone
composed for Matt and Alison Barrett. Premiere: private event
Collections Considered (aka Collections) (2006) (3:00) violin
Premiere: 7 June 2006, British Museum, Enlightenment Gallery (Peter Sheppard Skaerved, violin)
listen to Fragment (played twice) and Collections Considered on Peter’s YouTube channel
Captions (1998) (5:00) tenor and piano
Text: Paul S Byard, from The Architecture of Additions (Engl.)
Premiere: 29 October 1998, MacDowell Colony, Peterborough NH (Paul Byard, tenor / Jean Hasse, piano)
Canvas (1986) (8:00) marimba and pre-recorded tape (marimba)
Premiere: 2 May 1987, First and Second Church, Boston MA (Nancy Zeltsman, marimba)
Fragment (2004) (0:12) violin
Premiere: last week of July 2004, Museo Tamayo Arte Contemporaneo, Mexico City (Peter Sheppard Skaerved, violin)
Performed by PSS dozens of times that week, as part of the exhibition ‘Sodio y asfalto’, this ‘fragment’ was played between each of the 18 other commissioned composers’ fragments. Further performances took place in Ankara, Turkey, Nashville TN and London.
Today Tomorrow (2004) (3:00) cello and piano
composed for Claire Helen Jones. Premiere: private event
Collections, pg.1. Click to enlarge.
Moths - for a few hundred whistlers
Pulling, page 1
Are you sitting down? Are you facing a door? (1992) (10:00) two trombones (with optional reverb)
Premiere: 25 June 1992, Longy School of Music, Cambridge, Mark Hetzler and John Faeta
Five Poems from the Japanese (1991) (10:00) mezzo-soprano, clarinet and piano
Text: Japanese poets from 9thC, 11thC, 12thC, 20thC, translated by Kenneth Rexroth (Engl.)
Premiere: 31 October 1991, Old Cambridge Baptist Church, Cambridge MA / Soli Espri Trio
Flip (2006) (4:00) saxophone quartet (SATB) and strings
Premiere: 7 March 2006, St George’s Concert Hall, Bristol
Apollo Saxophone Quartet and Goldberg Ensemble, Malcolm Layfield, cond.
Her dream, His shadow (1988) (8:00) two alto saxophones and two trumpets
Premiere: 17 November 1988, Real Art Ways, Hartford CT / Real Art Ways performers
Ich bin, du bist (1997) (10:30) string quartet
Premiere: 26 May 1997, Brno Conservatory, Czech Republic / Wallinger Quartet
Moths - for a few hundred whistlers (1986) (ca. 9:00) audience with conductor (ca.6:00 practice; ca.3:00 performance)
Premiere: 24 July 1986, Sanders Theater, Cambridge MA / Composers in Red Sneakers audience, Jean Hasse, cond.
Never Fail Fudge (1998) (1:20) saxophone quartet
New music doesn't grow on trees (1985) (6:30) two electric guitars and digital delay system
Premiere: 13 December 1985, Real Art Ways, Hartford CT Sue Burkhardt / Ken Parille
Next Dance (1999) (3:00) piano quartet or two violins, cello, piano
Premiere: 16 June 1999, Wiltshire Music Centre, Bradford on Avon, England / Wiltshire Schools students
CD: a white room / Schubert Ensemble / NMC (2001) listen on YouTube
"Oh" (1986, rev.1995) (0:14) five players (winds and/or strings plus piano OR string quartet and piano)
Premiere: 30 July 1987, Old Cambridge Baptist Church, Cambridge MA / Composers in Red Sneakers
Premiere (revised version): 23 September 1998, St Nazaire, France / Festival Consonance performers
Poldark Suite by Anne Dudley, arranged by Jean Hasse 2018, for strings (86642), piano and optional percussion
A new arrangement (taken from the original full orchestra score).
Premiere: 8 June 2018 at the High Sheriff of Bristol’s concert, Bristol Cathedral / Bristol Ensemble, William Goodchild, cond.
Pulling (1985) (9:15) four flutes or as many flutes as possible
Premiere: 13 December 1985, Real Art Ways, Hartford CT / Jean Hasse, flutes (some pre-recorded)
CD: kinkh, Music by Jean Hasse / VM CD101 (1999) listen on SoundCloud
Start the Week (2003) (2:30) flute, clarinet, soprano sax, trombone, piano, electric bass, drums
listen on SoundCloud
Then again (2000) (10:00) strings and percussion
Premiere: 29 May 2000, Holyrood Hall, Chard, Somerset, England / Solid Strings, Jean Hasse, cond.
Commissioned by Chard Festival of Women in Music
Tuning (1989, rev.1998) (10:00) flute, clarinet, violin, cello and piano ('piano tuner')
Premiere: 12 October 1989, Old Cambridge Baptist Church, Cambridge MA / Composers in Red Sneakers players / Jean Hasse, cond.
Premiere (revised version): 26 September 1998, St Nazaire, France, Festival Consonance
Philippa Davies / Michael Collins / Philipe Graffin / Gary Hoffman / Frédéric Chiu / Jean Hasse, cond.
Ich bin, du bist, pg.1. Click to enlarge
Next Dance, pg.2. Click to enlarge.
Next Dance, pg.9. Click to enlarge.